Project Cure: (We have a few spots left - email Vicki at if you are interested) Everyone is invited to come and serve at "Project Cure" in Woodridge on March 15. Our time slot to serve is 9:00AM - 12:00PM. (meet at church at 8:00AM to...
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Men's Wednesday Night Bible Study
Join us on Wednesday evenings (2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month) for this Men's Bible Study. They meet in the preschool building from 7:00PM to 8:30PM. Call the church office for more info at 708.448.0186.
Roseland Womens Shelter Collection
Roseland Women’s Shelter: Donations are being collected for Roseland Women’s Shelter. They are in need of: toilet paper, paper towels, napkins, plates, and feminine hygiene products. You may drop donations off at...
Ladies Afternoon Bible Hour 2022
Ladies Afternoon Bible Hour is a group of ladies who meet to study guides word together 2x a month on Tuesday afternoons. They meet at 1:00PM for some time of coffee and refreshments and a time to study together. Contact Marion at ...
Mission Partners
Just before parting from his disciples after his death and resurrection, Jesus commissioned them to go and make more disciples throughout the world, teaching what he had taught them. In obedience to that command, our congregation seeks not only...
High School
High School Youth Group The high school youth group at Palos Heights CRC meets Sunday from 6:45PM to 8:45PM for Bible study and games. We also do some group activities like Paintball, Ultimate Frisbee, or Sledding; engage in...