Ministry Visioning Team

The members of the Ministry Visioning Team are:  Alyssa VanKuiken, Pauline Sterenberg, Adam Stob, Bill Davids and Rob Milham.

Ephesians 2:10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Here we are months from our inception, and we have good news for you! The Visioning Team has been busy. Praying, listening, understanding, and developing the intentions of the LORD at our church. We want to start sharing our ideas, right here, right now!

  1. The addition of a co-pastor – leading the flock is a difficult task. We are spread thin in certain areas, and the addition of a co-pastor will help strengthen our church’s goal of equipping passionate followers of Jesus Christ as well as allowing time to reach out to our community to make passionate followers as well!
  2. Updating the churches communication methods – understanding that getting the good news to everyone (inside and outside the church) is important, updating the communication options will give us the flexibility to do this in creative and God focused ways.
  3. An additional service – whether on Sunday, Saturday, monthly, weekly, or bi-monthly an additional service to reach those who can’t make our current scheduled service allow us to teach and fellowship, in new and stirring ways.
  4. Family Ministry Team Enhancement – We have these awesome Family Ministry Teams that can be enhanced to do more.
  5. Building a Community Structure – We have the space, we have the opportunity, are we not asked by God to teach, to give, to reach out, and to be different. How can we save if we don’t?
  6. Adult sponsorship of our middle schoolers and beyond – our youth is our church’s future. Helping them with their walk with our Triune God will allow them the opportunity to pass it on if you will.
  7. Weekly Podcast – An opportunity to create something different, to teach in a different way.

James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

The LORD asks us to be different, to be a beacon of light for those who dwell in the darkness. Are we doing enough? Is there more that can be done to make us stand out in the darkness? These initiatives are just the beginning.

Our purpose has not changed. God’s will be done through us, making, and equipping passionate followers of Jesus Christ, building relationships based on love, and transforming our communities for the LORD’s glory!

We ask for you to continue to pray for our team, and the work that we do through Him. There is still much to do, and knowing that God is with us, and your prayers are with us makes the process so undemanding.

Romans 8:31 “What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?”

© 2025 Palos Heights Christian Reformed Church   |   7059 West 127th Street, Palos Heights, IL US 60463